Tuesday, December 9, 2008

FTP: Internet U-Haul.

One of the earliest, and still one of the most usefull (if youtube doesnt count) tools on the internet is FTP. Developed in the early seventies, the protocol hasnt changed much, and is still functional and usefull today.

Whilst, initially, it was used as a front end interface, for distribution of information and files, and was one of the earliest forms of internet piracy, it has now evolved into a back end tool for large file transfer, and as part of a suite of tools for network and website administration.

Whilst this particular task was made tricky by moving the readme file to a second directory, As only anonymous login and a small file download was required I managed to make do with the ftp client built into firefox.


This server runs on a unix platform, so CAPITALIZATION MATTERS!
A file named "file.txt" IS NOT THE SAME as "FILE.TXT"

according to the readme file, capitalisation matters.

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